Coral Farming


does anybody know where I can get any good info on how to farm corals. I'm looking for a new hobby and I love my tank If I can learn sound like fun.
does anybody here farm coral?
thanks osolow


Active Member
Anthony Calfo is an extremely sharpe guy! He spoke a our Local Aquarium Society (CMAS) meeting a few months ago and he gave a demo on fragging a bunch of different style corals. A very good resource!!!


Active Member
several members here have prop. tanks - richard Rendos and most recently kipass. I have a 75 sitting in the grage waiting to be built out to a prop - rock grow out tanks .... the book below is excellent - plus I would check our

Active Member
I have to say Anthony Calfo aswell i was at the same meeting that attml is talking about. The guy was a great help to every one.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have put together a coral farm in my garage. It is a work in progress but it is already making me a little money. I have a 125 gallon tank with 4 400 watt MH/closed loop circulation powered by a Little Giant 4 right now until I get my new pump, and a 90 gallon with 4 110 watt VHO's. Both tanks are plumbed into a 100 gallon sump with an ETSS 800 Pro protein skimmer...a Iwaki 100 RLT return pump...and this week my 1 HP chiller should arrive. I am farming SPS in the 125 and mushrooms/zoos/leathers in the 90. I am in the process of adding 3 20 gallon tanks to house snails/hermits/shrimp/etc., and a 75 gallon for more corals (more SPS in this one) I am also setting up 2 100 gallon tubs to aquaculture LR in. I look forward to coming home from work everyday to see how things are going. I kinda got a little bored with just the 3 reef tanks in the house...I needed more, more, more.



Originally posted by Richard Rendos
I kinda got a little bored with just the 3 reef tanks in the house...I needed more, more, more.

Yep I hear ya. more, more, more. Im in the prossess of setting up a smaller tank between the living room and kithen. After that I might look into setting up a nano in the bathroom right infront of the pot. Definately beats reading the newspaper. Hope the toxic fumes dont do to much damage.:p


Richard do you have any pics of you set up I can see..
I have had a few small reefs for sometime I moved and sold them all but I just bought a house and am putting my 125 in my living room.
Do you think farming coral is something that a new person like me should try or am I just wasting money on a dream. I can do anything I put my mind to but I don't want to jump in to this if it should be left to the pro's
Thanks osolow


Active Member
Kipass4103 within the past month or so has set up a new propagation tank, if you make a post for him or if he see this, he has had some fun setting it up :D

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a few pics

It is a lot of work, but it just depends on you. If you are the kind of person who starts something and sees it through to the end, then you will have no problems, but it you start things and then lose interest quickly...this is the wrong thing to start.


I wouyld think that if making money is your motivation you would probably want to try something else. With the costs of all the equipment (lights, chiller, skimmers, filters yada yada yada) I wouldn't think it would be possible to make much money doing it. I could be wrong but I know all the equipment costs lots of money and the starting corals cost lots of money.
It would be fun to do I think if you have the time to dedicate to it.


Richard did you drill that 125 I have a 55 I would like to drill to use as my first tank for framing. if so was it hard?
no making money is not my motivation you see I read something on the net abought reefs being killed and how bad it has become and I think I could sleep better at night If I could grow my owne and the trade for others. I have been looking for a new hobby anyway and I love to work with my tank so much it just sounds right for me.


does a tank used for farming have to be made of glass
or be real deep? The tub I'm looking at is 17.75"wide x 31.5"long x 13"high so thay would get alot of light?
can I use a tub like this to grow frags in then when thay bigger move them to my 55 or my 125.

richard rendos

Active Member
I drilled all of my glass tanks, but those tubs you show in the last picture work great too. I have 3 of those...I am gonna use them to hopefully make live sand.