Coral food


New Member
What should I feed my green stay polyps and button polyps? The man at my local fish store told me to feed my corals phytoplankton and zoo plankton is this correct?

I received a small frag from a friend who was going to throw it away. It is out and looking really good but I don't know what to feed it. It is in a 29 gallon bio cube.


bang guy

Green Star Polyps do not need active feeding. They will receive all nutrients by either directly absorbing micronutrients from the water column or from hosting zooxanthellae. They do like a lot of waterflow though.

The Button Polyps will eat zooplankton. They will not eat phytoplankton. They can usually get what they require from leftovers but if you want to actively feed them they will reproduce faster. They don't grab onto food as strongly as something like an Anemone so you may need to shut off the waterflow while feeding them. Again, it's optional, they will do just fine without you actively feeding them as long as they have adequate waterflow and lighting.