coral for a 180 gal


I'd stay away from sps with that type of lighting. In my 29 gallon my acro(close to the top) turned brown and I have about 7watts per gallon. I do have a bright neon green hydropora which has been doing wonderful. I'm sure you could have some survive with those lights but as far as thrive or retain their beautiful colors I don't think so. Maybe someone else can chime in and give some thoughts.


I have a 180g with 4 160w VHOs and I'm able to keep soft and some LPS. are running the same light setup and they're able to keep sps corals. Hopefully, when my tank matures even more I'm going to try it. You'll be fine with most soft corals and LPS corals like bubble, hammer or fox. Make sure your tank is mature before attempting sps corals. When you start getting coraline algae about the size of a quarter, then that's a sign that your tank could be mature. Good luck.