coral frags...


is it necessary to put coral frags on a piece of live rock to have it spread or will it spread just fine on the sandbed? i've got my green button zoo in a separate container in my tank to prevent my inverts from picking at it...its sitting in a container on live sand...any suggestions?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
its better if u hv on a live rock or a plug. it wil spread faster and not get lost.
+1^, while it will devide and spread over the sandbed, its not a stable, and the new ones tend to break off and get swept away in the current. Often they show up later somewhere else in your tank were you didn't expect them, but sometimes they just disappear.


ype the water has no effect on the glue setting up but the best way is put some on a rock and then the bottom of the frag, wait a couple of seconds press together and twist and there you go.
You can also use those scacks from oranges and cut a piece to cover the rock and the shroom, and then rubberband the side down, not to tight but enough to hold it in place and over a week or two it will attach by itself.


Well-Known Member
I just use any ole' brand superglue gel. It's always worked. The reason why superglue dries so quickly is because of water and water vapor. The more water, the faster it dries.