coral hosting


My new Singapore true perc has just recently showed interest in becomming a guest of my large frogspawn coral. However, He will not actually swim in the polps. Instead he skims the suface of the polyps. I can tell he really wants to swim in them because he will swim under the bottom heads and dart through them really fast. He is really small so he could just be cautious of not becomming coral food.
What else could be going on with this behavior? This is my first time observing any kind of hosting and I'm really excited.


i have 2 tomato clowns & they're hosting a frogspawn too. im going to get them an anemone soon from what ive read they will host a wide assortment of things if they dont have a anemone.


Originally Posted by ahren
i have 2 tomato clowns & they're hosting a frogspawn too. im going to get them an anemone soon from what ive read they will host a wide assortment of things if they dont have a anemone.
How well does your frogspawn hold up to hosting? Do the clowns cause the polps to deflate any?


It appears that the coral is stinging him. The polyps try and grab hold of his body. What can I do to help my clown build up a tolerence or build up his protective sugar mucus coat?


no deflation my frogspawn seems to like it. my clowns are pretty big so not much chance if it eating them. maybe you should get an anemone for your clown to host. do you have enough lighting for an anemone?


my frogspawn has never had an issue with my clown hosting, infact when the fish is being aggressive it seems to inflate more than usual and the clown has shown no ill affects. it may take some time for your clown to build up a tolerant mucus layer, many times you will see clowns sucking on the corals tenticles and just getting small doses at a time until they feel comfortable. it took my clown a month or so until he would go directly into the centre. however with an anemone it took only an hour or so for him to feel comfortable.

Heres a movie of my clown being hosted by the frogspawn. you'll have to excuse the colors, this was taken with just one actinic tube on.

i purchased a anemone a month ago and the clown made the switch to the BTA about an hour after it was placed in the tank... so im inclined to believe they prefer an anemone.
once again, ignore they colors they are taken with just the camera flash, no lights on.

he now spends his day moving between the anemone and the frogspawn depending on which side of the tank is feels like being on, although he always sleeps in the anemone. his best friend the cleaner shrimp will follow him to either side without fail. they've been friends since they were both housed in my 12G nano. friends for about 2 and a half years now and they are never far apart.


thats awesome! I really love the pics. My clown spent the entire night hovering inches away from the frogspawn, so im inclined to believe that he is in fact being hosted by the frogspawn. I really wish I could get an anemone, but I only have a 12g nano with 48 total watts. Plus there really is no room to put one and have it move around the tank stinging the other inhabitants.
Man, I need a bigger tank


Well my clownfish all day today has been gaurding the frogspawn fiercly and keeps sticking the polyp tips in his mouth. Is this odd behavior? He still will not allow the polyps to fully touch him.


Originally Posted by Gwiley
Well my clownfish all day today has been gaurding the frogspawn fiercly and keeps sticking the polyp tips in his mouth. Is this odd behavior? He still will not allow the polyps to fully touch him.
sucking and nipping on the polyps is a way they build up their mucus layer.