I bought my first corals over the weekend :cheer:
I didn't intend to - I went to the LFS to buy critters to start stocking my clean-up crew, which I did, but my rock curing is complete, my water parameters are good and have stabilized and I couldn't resist :joy: Plus, given some of the prices I have seen for individual mushrooms, this piece seemed like a good buy.
It is a single rock that is slightly smaller than two softballs put together. It is completely covered in coralline algae and weighs about 8 pounds. I haven't made an accurate count, but there are around 40 mushrooms on the rock that range from pea-sized to quarter-sized, plus the unidentified tan-colored bonus coral - unidentified because I am a newbie and don't know much :notsure:
The pictures you see are what the rock looked like about 5 hours after I put it in my tank. I ran only the Actinincs for the first 4 hours and then turned the Halides back on. Consequently, the photos were taken after the Halides had been on for about an hour.
The personnel at the LFS were nice, but not extremely knowledgeable. So, I am turning to you, the Experts...
1) What kind of corals do I have? Common names? Scientific names?
2) What are the care & feeding specifics?
3) Things to know?
4) Common pitfalls? Misconceptions?
5) Do you see anything "alarming" in the photo?
6) Do you see anything really cool?
P.S. The corals (and the rock) look much better in person than the photos might lead you to believe. Part of the problem is the allowable image size and the other is my camera and photography shortcomings...
Thanks in advance...
I bought my first corals over the weekend :cheer:
It is a single rock that is slightly smaller than two softballs put together. It is completely covered in coralline algae and weighs about 8 pounds. I haven't made an accurate count, but there are around 40 mushrooms on the rock that range from pea-sized to quarter-sized, plus the unidentified tan-colored bonus coral - unidentified because I am a newbie and don't know much :notsure:
The pictures you see are what the rock looked like about 5 hours after I put it in my tank. I ran only the Actinincs for the first 4 hours and then turned the Halides back on. Consequently, the photos were taken after the Halides had been on for about an hour.
The personnel at the LFS were nice, but not extremely knowledgeable. So, I am turning to you, the Experts...
1) What kind of corals do I have? Common names? Scientific names?
2) What are the care & feeding specifics?
3) Things to know?
4) Common pitfalls? Misconceptions?
5) Do you see anything "alarming" in the photo?
6) Do you see anything really cool?
P.S. The corals (and the rock) look much better in person than the photos might lead you to believe. Part of the problem is the allowable image size and the other is my camera and photography shortcomings...
Thanks in advance...