Coral ID please


New Member
I have had this ??? for over six months. It was less than a quarter of this size when it appeared. My tank is an established Nano 12 gal which has been running well over a year. Live Rock in tank and Live sand was used also. Could this have been a hitchhiker of sorts either via the Live Rock or with the other Corals that are in the tank. I have one Button Polyop. Used to have two, but the other didn't survive.
Can anybody ID this for me. It is growing slowly, hasn't shown to bother fish or shrimp or other Corals.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I am gonna say/guess
....plate coral...???%% but it kind of looks like an anemone.
google it and see if it looks like yours...


Active Member
its a fungia (short tentacle plate coral) also it really belongs on the sand bed not the rock work.


Active Member
first thing I thought of as posted above was a plate coral, but doesn't it also look like a sebae anemone aka (Heteractis malu)??? %%


Active Member
no, it doesn't. its a fungia. I'll bet you $1million dollars, its a bet I cant lose.

you can actually see the white of the skeleton inside the coral.


Active Member
This could be a generation site if it has been there and grown over time. I would leave it alone for now and usually they will dislodge themselves and fall to the sand bottom when they are ready to. Then chances are good that another will grow from the same site.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
This could be a generation site if it has been there and grown over time. I would leave it alone for now and usually they will dislodge themselves and fall to the sand bottom when they are ready to. Then chances are good that another will grow from the same site.
re reading the OP's first post I am inclined to agree with you spanko. it appears to be a lucky landing for him from a wild or in tank spawning, previous to him getting the rock.