coral id -- sun coral?


Active Member
this is being sold on another site as "dentro's coral" & its $69.99 a head! i was just wondering what it was because it looks like sun coral & its described as liking low light & flow... just wondering if it was something else because sun corals dont normally cost that much...



Definitively Dendros. But not worth it IMHO. They're basically a large sun coral, but they're slightly hardier.


Active Member
thanks. guess i could have scrolled down and read this -
Dendrophylliids are found in tropical and nontropical regions of the worlds oceans, some of the ahermatypic, azooxanthellate ones to a depth of a 1,500 meters. The genera Turbinaria and Tubastrea are prominent shallow reef species in large parts of the tropical Indo-Pacific. Some Dendrophylliids are inconspicuous, but found in the tropical West Atlantic.
The beautiful Dentro's coral look like a fire cracker. It is easy to take care of them. If you feed them with cyclop-eeze, they will grow fast. Very rare uncommon fire cracker, you won't be able to find from local fish store or even on other online store. Get it now before we sold out.


Active Member
everything on that site is so crazy overpriced, i was prepared to not be surprised if it did turn out to just be sun coral.


Active Member
this is my favorite line from it.
Originally Posted by alix2.0
Very rare uncommon fire cracker, you won't be able to find from local fish store or even on other online store.
well, are they very rare, or just uncommon? and how do they know whats in every local fish store in the world, did they search the ENTIRE internet for every online store? is this the only colony in existance?


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Whoever buys those will have fun hand feeding those suckers polyp by polyp every day.

I don't feed mine everyday. It gets cyclopeeze with the rest of the tank 2-3 times a week and then I spot feed it and my modern brain frozen mysis 1-2 times a week. It's not that difficult and they're worth it.


Active Member
They do benifit from the light so it makes them hardier and less demanding than a sun coral but they appear to grow faster the more you feed them.


Active Member
they are not 'rare' but their import is limited and tank propagation is fairly new for this coral so they cost more.
I have 2 and I do feed them individually, along with the babies that sprout off.
I think they are definitely worth it. they are unbelievably bright colored, and they are open all the time, where as normal sun coral is more nocturnal.
being that they are non-photosynthetic, pretty much anyone can keep one,either in a low light tank, or under a caved area in a stronger lighted tank.
If you have the funds, and the time to feed them, go for it!
heres kinda a crappy pic but these are mine....


Active Member
can i have sun coral on sps tank. i will placed it under the cave and i have lots of zoa,clams,xenias in the bottom of my tank to cleanthe nitrate close to zero despite of frequent feeding in the tank?