Coral Keepers 2 gallon Damsel tank Diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hello everyone. I used to have a 25 gallon FOWLR tank and there was a foxface, coral beauty angelfish, and 2 yellow tailed damsels. I gave the foxface and the angel fish to the LFS and i asked if they will take the damsels they said no. Dont know why tho. They are healthy and all that. Then the 2 damsels are still in the tank then one of the damsels stressed out the other damsel out so bad it died. Now i just have him and no one wants him so i just set up a little 2 gallon tank with 4 LB of LR and 4 LB of LS. I also added some chaeto algae in there and a bubble filter. I gave my friend a small little pump and hes not using it right now so ill go take it back and replace the bubble filter for the little pump. Ill go the the LFS and get 1 hermit and like 1 or 2 nass snails. There is just a regular 15 watt light over the tank. There is no heater. Here are some pics of the little set up. Sorry for the crappy pic of the damsel. The first pic is with flash.



Active Member
VERY cool :) i'm a little leary of the air bubbles, you may want to get a TINY penguin filter to get some water circulation in there instead.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
VERY cool :) i'm a little leary of the air bubbles, you may want to get a TINY penguin filter to get some water circulation in there instead.
Thanks!! The bubble filter is making some good amount of flow.


Are you referring to an airstone of sorts? An air pump with tubing? That won't suffice, but with that small of a tank you could just pull a little water out. The gravity force of the filter pump will create a flow as well. Was this one damsel so bad that he couldn't stay in the display?


I think its very "Fish Loving" of you to start a whole tank so that the unwanted damsel has a place ot live!


I know what you mean....I have a 10 gallon that I house only one 3 stripe damsel in...he was so mean! When I finally upgraded tanks...I put him in my 10 gallon quaratine tank....and almost 1 year later he is still there living happily ever after. Of course I remodeled for him..added some live rock, sand, chaeto..etc....I've had that damsel for close to 5 years! jeeeeze!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Are you referring to an airstone of sorts? An air pump with tubing? That won't suffice, but with that small of a tank you could just pull a little water out. The gravity force of the filter pump will create a flow as well. Was this one damsel so bad that he couldn't stay in the display?
Yes. Yes. I know. Yes, he was so bad he couldnt stay in the display. Everyone, dont worry, im going to upgrade the damsel tank to a 5 gallon-6 gallon tank for him. Im not mad at him at all, its just i have NO bigger tank i can set up for him RIGHT NOW. I am going to get that pump filter that i was talking about from my friend today. So all is good.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
I think its very "Fish Loving" of you to start a whole tank so that the unwanted damsel has a place ot live!

Hes not unwanted. I like him now.

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok. What dos everyone think about this? The 2 gallon that the damsel is in right now is 11 inches long, 9 inches high, and 5 1/2 inches wide. I found a 4 gallon tank that is a hexagon and is 10 inches long, 15 inches high, and 9 inches wide. So its like 9-10 inches in diameter. Should i put the damsel in the 4 gallon hexagon or leave him in the 2 gallon tank? I think he should go into the 4 gallon hexagon but what do you think?


Active Member
lol here is my tank for my one yellow tail.

I'm going to buy lites and turn it into a reef but right now it is just for the evil damsel


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Ok. What dos everyone think about this? The 2 gallon that the damsel is in right now is 11 inches long, 9 inches high, and 5 1/2 inches wide. I found a 4 gallon tank that is a hexagon and is 10 inches long, 15 inches high, and 9 inches wide. So its like 9-10 inches in diameter. Should i put the damsel in the 4 gallon hexagon or leave him in the 2 gallon tank? I think he should go into the 4 gallon hexagon but what do you think?
I would think you should at least buy a ten gallon. then put a few corals and invert in there. It could be a nano reef.


Active Member
I agree that I am pretty hesitant to have a damsel (or any SW fish, personally) in a 2g. So 4 would be better, but 10 would be best. I kept a striped in a 15g for like 8 years, and it needed every square inch and thensome. I think the 2g is on the small size, but the 4 isn't the best footprint.


Active Member
Maybe there are other reasons, but I think damsels get a bad rap, I have one in my 180 that I'm trying to catch, he is almost a full grown velvet. And he is getting beat up by someone, tail is all frayed and stuff, by "nicer fish" The only fish in there that is supposedly really agressive is a lunar wrasse. But they haven't been fighting, it has been the dwarf angels going after the poor little buger.


Active Member
I do think they get a bad rap, personally. Partly because they have a history as cycling fish and as such disposable. But all considering, they are very hardy, tough and quite pretty all in all. I've considered getting some talbot's or yellow tails for my tank recently.

coral keeper

Active Member
I do have a 10 gallon tank thats empty, Hmmmm...... I need to ask my dad if i could. If he dosnt let me set up the 10 gallon tank, ill put him in the 4 gall. Id love to set up a 10 gallon for him, but i need to ask my dad first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I do think they get a bad rap, personally. Partly because they have a history as cycling fish and as such disposable. But all considering, they are very hardy, tough and quite pretty all in all. I've considered getting some talbot's or yellow tails for my tank recently.
I think my yellowtail is one of my most colorful and beautiful fish. I just got tired of trying to catch him and put him in my big tank when I was moving my tanks. When he was in the large tank he just got lost since he was sooo small.