Coral Keepers 2 gallon shrimp and snail farm diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hello everyone! Im setting up a 2 gallon shrimp and snail farm. Its going to have live plants, snails, and shrimp in there. There is 6 lb of sand and a big rock in the tank. Here are some pics of the tank. Tell me what you think!!



Active Member
SW or FW snails? Plan on selling them? Just remember, don't try turbos because they need 10x that size of tank.


Active Member
is there any kind of aquarium that you dont have?
dart frog...heavily planted...8 gallon bio cube...shrimp and snail tank...
but on a serious looks great!


Looks nice.

Are you going to breed the shrimp and snails?
Looks like your going to be busy with all these different tanks you got.

coral keeper

Active Member
Its going to be a FW tank not SW. LOL I know i got all kinds of tanks. Im going to be breeding cherry shrimp and diff kinds of snails and sell them.
I just set up the tank and everything about 20 min ago.

coral keeper

Active Member
Grilled snails, Pond snails, Ramshorn snails, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Mystery Snails, Apple Snails, Colorful Ramshorn Snails, and maybe a few more diff kinds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Grilled snails, Pond snails, Ramshorn snails, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Mystery Snails, Apple Snails, Colorful Ramshorn Snails, and maybe a few more diff kinds.
Can you have that many in only a 2g?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Can you have that many in only a 2g?
Probably not all of those but i can put like 3-4 diff kinds.


I have a 5g tank I use for breeding freshwater snails to feed dwarf puffers. I use ramshorn snails as they reproduce like mad and stay small, maybe 1/3" diameter of shell max. Probably have over 10,000 in the tank at the moment!
I also breed ghost shrimp, but they dont seem to breed in the aquarium. During the summer I throw a few dozen into a pond and in the fall I pull out a couple thousand. Im not sure if a filter destroys the larvae in an aquarium or what they like about being in a stagnant, outdoor pond, but they sure love it.


Active Member
be careful selling snails if your doing it on the internet there are a lot of states where importing ANY freshwater snail is illeagle due to their highly invasive nature. I would hate to hear of you getting popped for illeagle shipping of invasive animals. (I know all FW snails of any type are banned from being imported into maine) and some other states may require an importation permit and such. you can get a list of unrestricted fish and wildlife species at the department of inland fisheries and wildlife website for each state. thiws will also tell you which freswater fish and other inverts are leagle in that state.


Active Member
Ya I'm pretty sure California is pretty cautious too when it comes to freshwater stuff. I know I saw an advertisment in some aquarium magazine trying to stop an algae from reaching and growing in California.