Coral Keepers 2 gallon shrimp and snail farm diary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Let them grow up and breed more and sell them. Thanks!
They wont get eatin by anything else? And they eat just algae or what ever you feed them???

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are some pics of my stand that I'm making. Not 100% finished with it yet tho, here are some pics. I will also be making a canopy for the 2 gall tank. Tell me what you think!

Here are some pics of the stand drying after I painted it with some kind of paint that makes the wood water proof. Its still drying up.


coral keeper

Active Member
Here are some pics of the canopy and the stand on the tank! But I'm still not 100% finished with the canopy and stand. Here are the pics! Tell me what you think!!



hey are you gonna have little pond snails actually any baby snials at all would work. i have a puffer n they eat snails. i was thinkin we could work somethin out?


Active Member
i breed cherry shrimp i started with 20 and now i have over 200!!! its amazing and i just sold 10 for 25 to my local fish store...:)


Active Member
if you didnt spend any money on anything howd u get hte plants and the shrimp and that piece of wood? jw cuz it looks good and i might try and breed some more ghosties(ive already done it, but it was fun and hard so i wanna do it again) whered u get all ur supplies for free?


Active Member
can you put thosse shrimp in with tetras? or peaceful fish?
also i was told you couldnt plant with sand.. cus it like suffocates the roots and wont grown or something


Active Member
Hey! My RODI overflowed because I was reading this thread!
Thanks for all the pics! Very, very interesting stuff (not being real familiar with FW myself)

coral keeper

Active Member
I have some bad news. On Wednesday the tank crashed and 10 cherry shrimp survived. I put the cherry shrimp in my 25 gallon heavily planted tank. I don't know why it crashed, half of the cherry shrimp died. All the plants and snails were fine.