Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


Active Member
that thing is sweet. does your clown host anything?
ill bbl i gota go to work i had to be there 15 mins ago. this hobby is an extreme addiction!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
that thing is sweet. does your clown host anything?
ill bbl i gota go to work i had to be there 15 mins ago. this hobby is an extreme addiction!
Yeah, she hosts the Xenia, Colt coral, and Kenya tree that are together.
Ok, LOL It sure is!

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey, sorry about not posting any pictures. Got held up at work. I might post a few pictures tomorrow because I'm going to be going to a birthday party.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by funkysean5
so..... any new pics? Sorry for asking again.

No new pictures, but new CORALS!!
They are acclimating right now. I got German Blue Polyp Digi, ORA Green Polyp Birdsnest, Blasto, and snails. Will post pictures later today.