Coral Keepers 60 gallon coldwater reef tank diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are some 3D pictures I made with google sketch up. Bare with me, this is my first time using it. The tank is going to be 43 inches long, 17 inches wide, and 18 inches high. Its going to have an overflow on the back.
Here is a picture of the front/topish.

Side view.

And the back.


Active Member
this may sound like a stupid question, but is there gonna be like glass or anything infront of the a block from wood to water...if not wont the wood rot?


man i wished u lived a little closer to texas. im going to be moving soon and going to have to give up katie, my katlina goby. good luck w/ ur tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a new picture of the tank I just made. Instead of making an overflow box in the back, I decided to go with a corner overflow.

coral keeper

Active Member
What do all of you think of the tank foot print? 43 inches long, 17-18 inches wide, and 20-21 inches high. There is going to be a corner over flow and a wave box thats going to be 4 inches long, 17-18 inches wide, and 20-21 inches high.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Thanks for the compliments everyone!! The stock list will be strawberry anemones, coldwater gorgonians, lots more other diff kinds of anemones, Catalina gobys, and much much more!

Cool, saw some gorgonians when I was surfing last week.