coral lighting


I was in the hopes that I could get some input on what lighting everyone thinks I should purchase. I have a 29 gal and have been looking around, attempting to learn what everything is, and see that 30 inch lighting is not so common? I would like to eventually, some day have an anemone so does that mean tha MH is my only way to go? I saw the pendant MH fixtures, can those be coupled with PC or VHO strips some how? I really only wanted to buy lighting once for this tank, so I am trying to get it right. Also is the list of corals that require MH in my size tank a long list or relatively short one? -- Sorry for such newb questions!


New Member
Good Luck on only buying lighting once. I started my first 29 g tank 2 years ago and now I have a 29, 2 55's, 75 and 2 10's for snails and quarentine tank. I thought when I started I would only have to do it once. I just bought mh 3 days ago. This hobby is more addicting than crack.
Good luck with your tank


OK, I will admit, I have already figured out how I can put a five foot long tank in the wall/cabinetry in my living room. Thought I prolly should master the 29 gal for a few years first. But my theory was that I could just buy a second set of whatever I get for the 29 and reuse the first fixture to total the 60 inch long tank. Or does it not work that way?


New Member
yes that will work fine. I just have different things in each tank not all require the same lighting.