

I have a 10 gallon tank, and I will be getting some Helios day/night ballast. There pretty bright buggers. I was wondering what kind of coral would work for "less" light. I know my xzena has done really good with normal lighting, mushroom, toad stool, ect. what else would work that is pretty?

nano reefer

Active Member
my favorite corals in my 14g "lowish light" nano
1. ricordeas
2. acans
3. zoos
4. hammer and torch
5. colt leather coral
6. yellow polyps
You can put in blastos, carnations, mushrooms, and any type of leather coral. I would definitely get ricordeas, i have 4 in my nano.


Active Member
With the exception of the hammer coral and the torch coral I agree. These 2 do much better under higher lighting.. MH arent necessary but def higher than shrooms and zoas. I have them in my cube and I have to place them very high on my LR. They do well up there, but when they were on the bottom forget it they looked horrible.
Also stay away from the carnation... although its a low light coral it does very poorly in captivity. Bottom line is their nutritional requirements cannot be met to sustain life in them for more than a few months in a tank. Some of the most advanced reefers cannot keep them alive.