Coral limits w/ my lighting


Active Member
What are my limits with my lighting? clam? sps? are most corals ok?
i wouldn't think sps....
4x39 watt T-5 bulbs w/ induvidual reflectors
30 gal, height is 16inches, i think.


Active Member
any softies
any LPs
medium to low light SPS
lower light clams (sqa, gigas etcetera {dont get a gigas though they grow really really fast})
Lower light anemones (BTA, rock, etcetera)


Active Member
thanks, reefkprZ
so a sebae wouldn't work?
clams and sps only if they don't require really strong light....great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
thanks, reefkprZ
so a sebae wouldn't work?
clams and sps only if they don't require really strong light....great.
I'm not really that familiar with the sebae, it could be possible I dont know, thats why I put the etcetera in there I believe that t-5 lighting has the intensity some anemone require, check into it, I wouldnt rule it out offhand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
thanks, reefkprZ
so a sebae wouldn't work?
clams and sps only if they don't require really strong light....great.
A Sebae will work. They required about 4 watts/gallon. You have enough. I have one in my nano doing great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I'm not really that familiar with the sebae, it could be possible I dont know, thats why I put the etcetera in there I believe that t-5 lighting has the intensity some anemone require, check into it, I wouldnt rule it out offhand.
not sure what kind a etcetera is?
i don't know much about anemones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
A Sebae will work. They required about 4 watts/gallon. You have enough. I have one in my nano doing great.
what kind of lighting do you have on your nano, what size also?


Active Member
he meant ETC... "and other things"
you might be surprised you can keep more stuff than that maybe since its t5 with the indiv reflectors. t5 is a whole other ball park but i wouldnt be able to tell you about it, sorry :[


Active Member
etcetera Pronunciation Key - [et-set-er-uh, ‑se-truh]–noun,
1. a number of other things or persons unspecified


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
you could do a maxima imo, just keep him higher up.

thanks, i thought that was one of the ones that reefkprz had listed....
but, i see now it wasn't.