coral line algae



do it the easy way.....just toss an unopened box of baking soda in the DT and let the water dissolve the cardboard!


Active Member
Most snails have some introduction of coraline algae on them, thats how i introduced it into my tank. Its a process that takes a lot of time to really kick off. Once in full swing it will probably be the biggest headache of your tank. You can keep it off your glass by using a mag float every day, but if you slack youll be using a razor blade or something similar.


Active Member
My tanks grow crazy coralline. I have no idea what my calcium and alk are. I use Instant Ocean. I don't add anything to the tank. (But I do buffer the RO/DI). I do enough water changes to keep my nitrates at 25 or less. I use PC bulbs which I don't change out very often.... at all.... like really at all. Actually, I change them when they blow... one blew today after a couple years so it's time to replace them :)
I took these pics to show fish growth, but you can see how purple the tank got after a few months.

IMO lighting is very important.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Myckei
Do you need a certain kind of lighting for the growth?
No, just adequate to see.Most any bulb will grow coralline. The stuff becomes plague like eventually. Mine is to the point that all the pores or holes threw my live rock are now closed up because of the stuffs thick coating on them......As a mater of fact it is time to go do my daily scrapping of the stuff off of the front glass........


Active Member
In my tanks, the low PC lights give me awesome corraline growth. Those with metal halides... not so much. Those with crazy underlit lights ... nothing at all.
All PC tanks have 03 and 10k bulb mixture.