Coral Line-up! What do you guys think?


These corals will be placed in a 26 gal.
Zoo's - Super Orange
SPS (hard) - Birdsnest Coral, Pink
LPS (hard) - Hammer / Anchor Coral
Soft Corals - Yellow Fiji Leather and Kenya Tree Coral
*Anemone - Carpet (blue or green)
I would love to have my clown host a carpet anemone but i know that they get very big and I'm somewhat unsure of whether or not i can have one?
So what do you guys think of these corals? Any suggestions?


Active Member
What kind of lighting?
Only questionables would be the SPS if you dont have halides, and the anemone. Anemones are difficult, though I've had better luck with carpets then other types.


I'm looking into lighting right now:
It's between two lights:
1) MH pendent - PFO 175 watts MH with 2x28 antinic pc lights
2) Current USA Orbit - 2x65 watts
Do you think that the MH light will overheat my tank?


what is your experience in the hobby? is good all though for the same price as 175 you can get 150w DE which are much brighter (even though less watt it is stronger then single ended bulb)


My experience is growing. This will be my first reef tank. The tank itself has been up and running for a year now. What else would you like to know about the tank?
Brad were can i find the 150w DE?


Active Member
I would deffinately go with the MH option. You will appreciate it in the end. The 150w DE is a good Idea, so is the 250w which I think may have more bulb options and would be similar in price.(to buy not to run)
Now that I look again, a carpet in a 26g may be a bit risky. When or if the carpet dies, it could easily wipe out your tank. My anemones tend to run into powerheads, which is why I've given up on them.
I have heard good things about rose bubble tip anemones. One thing to remember is that an anemone shouldn't be added to a tank unless it's been set up for 6 months or more.


the 150 DE and the 250w you write of footbag an MH light?
I understand what you say about the carpet anemone, what do you think of a PINK TIP HAITIAN?
This pendent uses our parallel reflector to focus the light into the tank as well as supplying sockets and an electronic ballast for 2-28w Power Compacts and up to a 400W metal halide bulb. A 4’ fan is included with a glass lens. The metal halide and fluorescent lamps can be independently controlled. In summary, the hood, fan, and ballast for PC's. The halide ballast and bulbs are purchased seperately.
I thought i would purchase the 175 12,000K Sunburst for the MH and 2x28W Actinic PC Bulbs.


So can anyone tell me what they think about the light on the pervious post i wrote that would light the corals i listed at the top of this thread!?!


you also need a ballast......again i would go with 250w DE bulbs do a google search for Marine Depot they have them.......i would go with a 14k or a 20k bulb and not suplement with PC's but that is what i you can make your disicion


Active Member
Unless you plan on running carbon all the time, I would stick with SPS and LPS or LPS and softies. The SPS may have problems with the leathers with them.
I was just reading a post on a 70watt MH. 2 of them would work well, IMO.
I think a 250 is overkill.


if he is kepping sps.....which i don't recommend because of your experience (maybe start with LPS then go to SPS) then I would recommend the 250w.......if keeping just LPS and Leathers i still recommend it....if keeping softies like xenia and LPS like brain then i would go with the 150w....but a 70w doesn't seem like it would be enough light for a 26 replicate the natural sun at the top of a reef he would need 2 or three really the 250's aren't over kill if he planning something to mimic 15-20 feet down (that is if he uses 20k)

gold strip

IMO, your best bet on the Anemone is a nice Bubble Tip. They can get pretty large as well but "usually" will split when they do. The thing to watch out for is that a Bubble will move until it finds its spot. If it touches any of your corals it will sting and damage them. I added my BTA first after my tank had been set up about 6 months, let it settle, then added corals. There is still a chance it will move butt hasn't so far and its been over a year. It has split once and was able to sell the new half to the LFS for credit.
You can go with a green/brown BTA or spend a little extra and get a Rose colored BTA.


my LFS store told me that the coralife lighting system is very popular?
he was telling me that i could keep the hammer coral under 130 watts of light but i would have to keep it up higher in the tank.
I would rather keep a coral light that on the floor of my tank. Is thier any type of light other than MH that can supply enough lighting if my tank is 19" deep to the floor?