Coral lost in mail is WHITE

kat 4

My pink birdsnest coral just arrivved 4 days late - got lost overnight somehow. It is completely white. Does this mean it is dead? That's what I'm thinking.....But wondered if I dip it in iodine and then put under halides if the color could come back? Thanks,

kat 4

will it hurt anything if I put it in my tank? It's beautifully pure white! Yes the shipper is reimbursing me....


no it wont hurt anything to put it in the tank. is essence its the same as the LR and base rock.
dont completely give up on it though put it in the tank where you would have if it came in right some SPS corals will withdrawl way back and come out when the conditions are right. This doesnt happen all the time though.

kat 4

HOPE HOPE HOPE.....I have had some corals that I think were gone come back with lots of light and you just never know....