coral needs a good home, pls help

we have a med. sized hammer coral that was hurt/sick when we got it, and didnt know till we got home, LFS wouldnt take it back, just gave us a new one, problem is we dont know how to get it back to good health, and would like to offer it to anyone that knows more about this stuff then us that would like to take him in a chance at it. we have a good feeling that if we keep it it will die, and we dont want to see that happen. were not looking for anything else in return, just a good tank for him to go into. local pick up only, no shipping, dont think he would do good in a box, we are in vancouver, wa, right next to portland, Or, pls post in here if you can help us, thanks.


Active Member
I'm sorry your coral is doing poorly. But, I must say I am very impressed that you would go to this length to save the coral. I hope you can find someone who will take special care of it, and not just looking for a free coral. By your concern for this coral, you have proven yourself to me to be very responsible reef keeper! Keep up the good work.


Active Member
I remember the coral. Does it expand at all? Is it still receeding? Wish i could take it. I'm currently saving a bubble coral. You can put nutrients in the water to help feed it. If you have some sinking pellets you can sprinkle them on him as well to feed him. The key to bringing a coral back is just feeding them and giving them proper lighting which i think you have if i remember right. Doseing with phytoplankton and zooplankton in your tank is another way to feed. Take a turkey bastor and some water. Put the dose of either in the water and spray said mixture on to the hammer gently. The rest will disperse in the tank. Do you have a mid day picture you can post. Saving a coral is really quite easy....I think at least....
so far we havnt had much luck getting him to eat, but i think i might try the sinking food. also we put zoe in the tank 2x a week for all the inverts to keep them healthy. we have duel 96w PC lights, one 10k and one blue, keep him up near the top so he can get more light till he is better. at some times he seems he might be receeding a little more and at other times it hard to tell. he does fill out all the way in the day, but not near the area where he is hurt. only about half of him does fill out all the way. i would love to save him my self, but i think i may lack the know how to do so, so i would like to find something that would take him in and give him a good home. any help is very welcome.


If youd consider shipping overnight to me id love to take him. I think i could get him back up and running but im ion West Visginia and would need to take a chance on shipping him overnight. If youll do that let me know or call me after6 eastern time at 304 965-2337 or email me at