"Coral of the Week"-polyps


And here's my others that started from a tiny colony that has been fragged all over the tank.I think it's time to trade some in since they are growing like weeds.They have unusually long tentacles compared to others I have seen.Also can anyone identify the encrusing coral in the top right side of the pic.This was given to me and seems to be doing pretty well.


What kind of cameras are all of you using for these great pictures?
I am thinking about an Olympus c-4000. It is a 4mp.


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments beth, and crazy4reefs!
I am currently using the Sony Cyber Shot DscF707 5.0 Mega Pixels, as well as Adobe Photoshop 5.0. It takes awesome pictures!

nm reef

Active Member
I am definitely going to continue this weekly "Coral of the Week" deal...if only for the top quality pics ya'all post. Beth...great to have your stuff to add....Man terrific pics guys!!!!!:eek:


Staff member
The colony in the forefront is a SWF.com specimen. Actually its grown quite a bit, with some seeding at various locations in the tank.
The blur on the bottom right is one of my chromis wizzing by. :D


...And for something a liitle different, here's an image of one of my Zoanthid colonies taken under only actinic lighting.

As for this next image, I've been trying to get a positive ID on this guy for years now. Apparently a deeper water species. Grows VERY slowly in my tank. Anybody want to take a stab at it?