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Well then I am not sure if that is what this is then. It is around some zoos and candycanes and even a monticap and nothing is showing any signs of any issues. It seems more like a nice growing rug of little pollops all connected..??.. Seems harmless and has been around awhile now.
Are you suggesting i start to try ot contol it or even remove it?? I almost want t cause it to spread to other areas.. so i am at a loss.
O yeah and as for the jellyfish looking things, never seen one in my tank.???
I am not, by any means, trying to tell ya what to do... just provide the information..... but those are definately colonial hydroids. They are very distinctive in their appearance. You may find them very attractive, but it doesn't change the fact they are stinging hydroids. You may not see the medusa stage just yet... sometimes you won't even see it. Those things are SUPER small. I only had 2 and they "disappeared" before I was able to take the "dime with the critter" pic. I kept a sundial snail tank because I thought they were beautiful... you could keep a hydroid tank if you wanted. But they will try to take over must of the LR real estate as time goes on....