Coral out of the water

I was rearranging my rocks and took out a leather corals and place it on a table. I forgot about it until I came home from work after 7 hours. I put it back into a tank. Is this a good ideal?


Active Member
Might not be the best idea just cuz it's a leather. It releases stuff that can bother other corals. Does the leather look really slimey and looks kinda like it's melting. If it does I would take it out or if u have carbon, I would run it asap.


Active Member
The far biggest concern is the Naso tang in a 75gal!!!

(kidding, well, sort of...)
I really have no idea where to look in the pic. I do kinda see two green mushroom looking spots and a pink spot on the rocks.
If the leathers are small, I really wouldn't worry too much, some small corals aren't going to nuke a 75gal. Perhaps run some carbon as extra insurance, and hope they come back, especially if the only other corals are those brown polyps, you aren't keeping like SPS in there too....
If they were fairly large, considering removing them if they look like they aren't going to make it.


can i nominate this with most random thread ever?
assuming the first question was serious, i killed a finger leather leaving it out for about 30 minutes so IME 7 hours would prolly do it in.


Active Member
As I turned my head upside down to see it right side up.. I was wondering what the arrow was pointing at.... and then figured it was just my mouse cursor.... but that made about as much sense as the orginal post to me anyways :)


Originally Posted by jackri
As I turned my head upside down to see it right side up.. I was wondering what the arrow was pointing at.... and then figured it was just my mouse cursor.... but that made about as much sense as the orginal post to me anyways :)