Coral/Polyp ID please, pic


Thanks guys. I thought it was a button polyp, however it never grew or reproduced. Everything else in my tank it taking off and starting to grow out of hand (Xenia and Green Star Polyps in particular). So I thought I may have something else entirely. Thanks for your time again!


Active Member
I have an identical specimen in my tank. I also do not believe that it is apitasia. I have about four apitasia growing in my tank now, some of which are very small. Even when they are small they have the distiguished tentacles. This polyp, if that is what it is, does not. They are similar in color, but not morphology. I've watched its growth closely to make sure it is not apitasia.


I have had alot of experience with both, and it sure looks like a polyp. Aiptasia has usually longer nenacles compared to the disk. I think polyp..
Just when you think your two steps ahead, your one step behind.
then you get 3 steps ahead.!!!


Active Member
I've had my one button polyp hitcher for almost a year now and it has not spread either, still just one.


This is a perfect example of why this BB is the best--here is a situation where ppl gave their opinions, differed, and nobody had to call anybody else an idiot, etc. Way to go!


Active Member
I have the same polyps in my of the peices of live rock had one just like that...there are now about 6 in a few months time...
I added a little branch of those in that had about 4 on it or so. In about 60 days there are now over 10!
i like them . they are cool, and always seem to catch some floating food!