Coral problem! HELP!!!


Active Member
Another thing you might want to check is your light bulbs, you said you've set this tank up for a year now. Have you been running those lights all this time? It might be due for new bulbs. What type of flow do you have going in your system?? How much rocks do you have in your tank?? Substrate?? I have seen people run tanks without filters and did just fine....but there is other requirements needed.... :happyfish


I am running a filter and a red sea skimmer as well. I have a little over 30# live rock in a 30 gallon. My sandbed at deepest point is about 2.5 inches. I only have one power jet, Maxi Jet 900 but it seems to be moving the water very well. I'm going to move the corals more into the flow as it seemed the flow was about to blow them off of their rock, but I'll try that! What kind of bulbs/lighting do you recommend? Can I use any type of bulb with the light I have, or do I have to buy a whole new light kit and bulbs? Thanks!


I think it's called PC lighting? Odyessa with 2 artinic (sp?) blue lights and 2 white lights, 192 watts total on all.


I don't know if I should get excited or not, but around one of my yellow polyps it has a brighter yellow rim around it and I can see one or two of the tentacles. Is this a good sign? I've moved the rock they were on over to an area in my tank which gets more flow.


One more thought about my nitrates, if I don't have a large enough clean up crew, could this be a problem? Here's what I have in a 30 gallon:
2 HUGE (as big as a golf ball) Turbo Snails
3 ?? little snails
Emerald Crab
Sally Lightfoot
Sand Sifter Starfish
2 Scarlet crabs
2 zebra crabs

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelley
I don't know if I should get excited or not, but around one of my yellow polyps it has a brighter yellow rim around it and I can see one or two of the tentacles. Is this a good sign? I've moved the rock they were on over to an area in my tank which gets more flow.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelley
I think it's called PC lighting? Odyessa with 2 artinic (sp?) blue lights and 2 white lights, 192 watts total on all.
the lights are good but not great
I only have 65w on my 46


Hi, Sign Guy! Checked my PH tonight before turning lights out :cheer: and it was 8.2. Nitrates are still around 20 but they have never been lower since I've had the tank up over the past 11 months. You know, after I checked the PH today, I realized I think my PH was way too low and I took an incorrect reading. I need to invest in a better kit. The reason I say that is when I checked it today, it had a very purple tint. Yesterday it almost had a purplish/brown tint. I have no idea where my mushroom went. Probably under a rock or something. My Xenias that were put in the same day as the yellow polyps are attached to my Figi rock and looking absolutely wonderful. I just can't figure this out. I ran across some metallic blue mushrooms that I want oh so bad, but do you think I can safely add now? Also, one thing I forgot to tell everyone. I didn't acclimate my coral. I just soaked it in the bag and put it in the tank about 30 minutes later. I didn't know I had to do it any other way. Could this maybe be the problem with that and the mushroom?


Sign Guy (or whomever).....would that light (with fixture) be enough by itself?? My tank is only like 16" deep, so I'm afraid of something being too powerful. Are you saying to use that in conjunction with what I have? Is what I have sufficient? I did keep a seabae anemone for almost a year with no problem, but have no clue about with corals. Thanks!

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelley
Sign Guy (or whomever).....would that light (with fixture) be enough by itself?? My tank is only like 16" deep, so I'm afraid of something being too powerful. Are you saying to use that in conjunction with what I have? Is what I have sufficient? I did keep a seabae anemone for almost a year with no problem, but have no clue about with corals. Thanks!
a mh pendent alone will be fine go to and look around at what coralife sales it will help in the long run you need a 150w 14000k bulb

sign guy

Active Member
I dont aclimate my corals eather I would wait till all goes well before you add any more corals and what test kit do you have?


OMG! Well, it sounds like nothing is for certain in this hobby! Just get out your checkbook, sign at the bottom and hand it over! LMAO! I can't believe the $ my little 30 gallon has already cost me, and considering it's only been up a year, I haven't lost anything other than 2 fish, an anemone (due to my own fault), mushrooms (again, due to my own fault) and now my yellow polyps. The mushrooms and anemone were due to a salinity spike in my tank. you think it's okay to add some mushrooms to my tank now?


Member am I going to have to buy a new fixture, too? I wonder if I can get Coral Life bulbs to fit my Odyssea fixture??

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Shelley am I going to have to buy a new fixture, too? I wonder if I can get Coral Life bulbs to fit my Odyssea fixture??
the balest on your odd cant handel more watts so a new light is the only way to go
imo keep the lights you have for a while the lack of light is not killing your coral
I would invest that monry into a w/d and fuge
imo stay away from new coral till you get your traits to 0 ppm that will hold your tank back