coral question


I have been having some trouble with my clove polyps...i got them a few weeks ago and they opened up for a week and now they closed up and dont open...i thought they may need more light so i moved them higher in the tank, but they still wont open...any suggestions??


Active Member
I've had mine for 6-7 months and same thing. open for a few days and then closed. Every ounce and a while they kinda come out...half way. I hope you find the problem. I need it too.
I dont have the answer but misery loves company.


Yes misery does love company, but someone on this site has to know something...I look at all these pictures of tanks filled with beautiful corals....we just need a good reply from someone who knows what to do with these polyps...What kind of placement do they like in the tank....lots of current, lots of light?? Please people any suggestions coud be helpful. These polyps look so good when they are out, I would love to have them showing of their beauty....THANKS!!!


Active Member
Always best to start with specifics on the tank - all water quality parameters, lighting, circulation. That way people can spot things you may not be looking for.


Active Member
i used to have some clove polyps. i had the same problem. sometimes they opened sometimes they didnt. they seem to be very "tempermental" and mine tended to let go of the rock they were on and fly around the tank. eventually i couldnt find them anymore


hey guys,
my clover polyps are in the bottom of my tank, and travel around leaveing behing dead matter on my rocks, they are currently underneath my button polyps,and are getting all tangled around them, but it slowed them down. ahaha they are in high water flow with 7 watts per gallon, and ive never seen the close up excpet at night time.
and how do u post nice pics, i cant get my images and smaller


OK...My Salinity is 1.023...Ammonia is about .25....pH is about 7.8...Nitrite is 0...Nitrate is 40...Temperature is about 80 degrees.....any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Icon83
Ammonia is about .25....any suggestions?
Do water changes to get rid of that ammonia, it's not helping your coral any. Get rid of the ammonia and your pH should come up to where it is supposed to be.


Thanks for the suggestion....what about chemical additives? When i do water changes i usually put some Essential Elements, Coral-Vite, Liquid Calcium, and Iodine additives...could these be adding to the ammonia and nitrate levels or dropping my pH??


Active Member
What is your alkalinity? Don't add calcium unless you have a reading for that and your alkalinity. Can cause pH problems. What sort of circulation do you have in the tank?
What test kits are you using? It is possible the test kit is wrong on the ammonia....double check it with an LFS.
What is your water change frequency? Nitrates getting up there....


I dont have a test kit for alkalinity...i use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Liquid test kit...i guess it is possible that it isnt completely accurate...also, i have a 270 GPH Powersweep wavemaker as a powerhead for circulation...and i try to change about 10-15% of water weekly....but i was kinda lazy this week and i skipped so that is probably why the nitrates were high...but, i'm doin a water change right now!! =)