Coral Questions?


Active Member
I have a couple questions about my new corals...
Yesterday I bought a toadstool and i think today it might be shedding...I have a couple questions about that...When it does shed, do i have to clean the deadness off or does it just decompose on its own? Does thiis create a lot of ammonia? Also, mine looked great last night, but today it has totally loafed over onto ints side and stayed there...the tentacles are still out though, and have been out about half way all day. Is this normal behavior?
Also, today I got some zooz or polyps. The came on a shell (you know, i guess they do it for easier transportation, makes good sense to me) And i was wondering, do they have to stay on that shell? i knwo they multiply, but do i just set that shell on a rock and let the spread to the rock? Should I remove them from the shell and place them on the rocks? What do I do? i really woudl rather have them spreading on the rocks, and I would liketo remove the slells What do i do?


Active Member
Wedge or glue the shell to your liverock and eventually the zoos will spread as long as your tank stays right for them. Don't try to take them off of the shell. I have no experience with leather keeping so I have to pass on that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I have a couple questions about my new corals...
Yesterday I bought a toadstool and i think today it might be shedding...I have a couple questions about that...When it does shed, do i have to clean the deadness off or does it just decompose on its own? Does thiis create a lot of ammonia? Also, mine looked great last night, but today it has totally loafed over onto ints side and stayed there...the tentacles are still out though, and have been out about half way all day. Is this normal behavior?
Why do you think its shedding? Do you have pics of these problem areas? Sometimes leathers can actually die off in areas when they arent doing well... or when introduced into a new tank and stressed. These areas almost turn into a brown jelly like substance and will just come off if touched or eventually float away. Shedding is a different story, dont worry if it actually sheds. Everything will be taken care of naturally.
Also its always very normal for corals to look like crap after you bring them home. Give it a few more days and if its still looking bad, then be worried.


Active Member
The fact that your Toadstool has polyps extension already is a good sign. I wouldn't do anything but wait.


Sounds right to me as well. I got a TS off of this site and got 3 on one rock. There is one that is doing really well and the other two have did what you are talking about a thin transparent skin came off of them. here they are today looking very good under new mh. going to have to frag two of them off of that rock. most likley will trade for other stuff at lfs


Active Member
leathers will shed when stressed or when growing.... i have a devils finger and a toadstool and at times they can stay closed for up to a few days then a transparent skin is released and the tentacles reappear bigger and better

give it time no worries ull know if there is something wrong leathers do this all the time


Active Member
-you cans ee some of the excess dead snki or w/e on the stem or base....It has been drooped over lke this sinnce yesterday...The first day I put it in it looked good. I checked all my levels..
Nitrates: 0.3
Ammonia : 0
I may have overdosed with ym iodine a little bit..



Active Member
keep an eye on it....
looks kinda odd but leathers can act like that and bounce right back.... lots of times acclimation causes them to do that....
if it looks like its turning black or discentigrating then u have a problem
give it time see what happens


Active Member
Ok, and yesterday when i got home from school/work I noticed some brown slimey stuff, but it was like a peice of something. It was resting on one fo my other perfectly healthy corals...Could this be a shed skin that drifted away?


Active Member
Just wondering how your new leather is doing, looked like it was shedding and adjusting to the new environment. Do not touch or move it for weeks, leathers need 4 weeks to adjust to any change how ever small it may be.