Coral questions>>


I bought some yellow polyps from my lfs about a week ago. When I bought them they were bright yellow under her MH lights. Now I have noticed they are slowly starting to turn more brown than yellow but the button in the center is still very vibrant. I am only running 2 24W 50/50 lights. Is the color change becuase of the weaker lighting or is this normal??
PH- 8.1


Yes, they will start to turn more brownish in color under weaker lights.
(also, your calcium is high!)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by yoshii
Yes, they will start to turn more brownish in color under weaker lights.
(also, your calcium is high!)

The difference in the lighting of MH and 50/50 florescent bulbs is huge. Some folks swear by T5s, but nothing IMO beats MH lighting to make the coral colors pop.


I was hoping that isn't what was going on with them. I would get some MH lights but I am working with the JBJ 12G DX and I think the DIY project would really just be more trouble than whats its worth. I am in the process of saving up for a 75g and the MH's are definetly going on that one. With my calcium levels i thought were a little high but I thought that would be better than too low. I am thinking calcuim levels are to be around 450-550ppm, if i am wrong please fill me in and how do I get it lower or should I just let it lower itself over time?? Also with the polyps if I move them alot closer to the lights will it make a difference?


Originally Posted by bmac_2727
I was hoping that isn't what was going on with them. I would get some MH lights but I am working with the JBJ 12G DX and I think the DIY project would really just be more trouble than whats its worth. I am in the process of saving up for a 75g and the MH's are definetly going on that one. With my calcium levels i thought were a little high but I thought that would be better than too low. I am thinking calcuim levels are to be around 450-550ppm, if i am wrong please fill me in and how do I get it lower or should I just let it lower itself over time?? Also with the polyps if I move them alot closer to the lights will it make a difference?
You don't have to get MH lights for these guys, they're just used to brighter lighting, but yeah, moving them higher up should help with the color.
I think 450ppm Calcium is max, it's kinda like medicine, too much hurts more than it helps!


well i took another test of the calcuim levels and it is still around 500ppm. I am going to just let it lower itself over time and bring it down a bit. I guess I am going to move around the rock a little and try to get the polyps a little closer to the light and see what happens. Its just that all my star polyps and my hammer and mushrooms are doing great where they are so I am a little concerned about moving them. Also I have had this tank up and running for about 3 months now and I am desperatly trying to get some purple algea (coraline) growing. Nothing is even remotly showing signs of any growth.


okay well seems how i got some attention I might as well turn this into a thread. So I am looking for something to take up some open space. Any suggestions?? I was also thinking about getting a bubble for my pair of clowns to see if they would host, any opionion's??