Coral Recommendations??


Hey all,
I have a standard 55 gallon tank. 48x18x12. It has been set up for about 6 months and everything is looking well. I have a Remora HOB skimmer, 75lbs of lr, 40lbs of ls an 4x65 watts of PC light. My parameters are all at 0 except for nitrates which are at 5.
The fish in the tank I have are:
2 percula clowns
1 coral beauty
1 neon damsel
1 lawnmower blenny
The corals I have:
1 hammer coral (located on the top half of the tank)
1 ricordia mushroom (has three mouths but will not split. Located about 4 inches away form my light source.
2 hairy mushrooms (the bottom of the tank)
I would like to get a few more corals but am unsure of what type or where to place them. Does anyone have suggestions on what coral I should get next? I would llike some zoos for color but I wouldnt know where to place them. Also does anyone know how to make my ricordia split naturally?
Thanks for your help guys


I used to have the exact same set up as you, and I had zoas all over. They will do fine anywhere in the tank with the lighting you have, but they prefer higher more intense lighting.


I love ricordea.... a friend in a local reef club gave me white and pink one for free.... its still small but its really colorful... It split from his other 3 ricordia.