Coral ?'s


I am a newbie....I was reading a couple of threads and saw a questioned concerning additives and the need to add them if you have LR for coraline growth; well my question is will I need to purchase some sort of additives when I add my corals in my future reef tank?
Secondly, I was thinking of putting two PC's together totaling 520w, would that be sufficient amount of lights (wattage wise?) or will I need to purchase some hallides instead?
Thirdly, I was on that famous auction site and saw a posting for coral glue/ adhesive....Is that necessary to glue the coral in place? I thought they rooted themselves? I DONT KNOW, Please clear these questions up for me.


Active Member

1, no garantees that coroline will grow. additives may help but bright lights can hurt.
2, 520 watts of pc is good for a 75g for alot of soft corals and some LPS but to have most SPS you should have MHs. and a most perfect tank. Time, takes time.
3, Most corals you will buy will already be mounted or attached to small pcs. of rock and you just lay or wedge them where you want them but if the rock want stay where you want it you can glue it with that stuff or superglue GEL that is cheaper.


Active Member
my PC is only 260 watts on a 90 gallon and I can keep just about everything except SPS and clams.
why buy 2 lamps for over 500 watts?



Originally posted by bergamer
my PC is only 260 watts on a 90 gallon and I can keep just about everything except SPS and clams.
why buy 2 lamps for over 500 watts?

Bergamer, Show me a list of everything you have in your tank!
Thanks!!!! :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
1 large coral tree,
2 pom pom xenia
2 silver xenia
1 huge flower pot
1 med frog spawn
1. med torch coral
1 med bubble coral
2 feather dusters
9 red mushrooms
10 assorted blue mushrooms
1 small finger leather
1 purple long tentacle anenome
1 christmas tree coral
10 neon green mushrooms
10 assorted green mushrooms
polyps of different colors everywhere
1 small star polyps
1 med leather coral
all siting on 90 lbs of live sand
and stuck into 85lbs of live rock
in a 90 gallon tank
no sump, everything hanging off the back
and it has been up and running over a year
as for critters:
1 fox face lo
2 OC clowns
1 coral beauty
1. small hippo blue regal tang
1 sailfin algea blenny
2 dart/firefish
1 porclin crab
2 sally lightfoots
1 emerald crab
2 fire shrimp
2 skunk shrimp
2, peppermint shrimp
2 dancing shrimp
2 anenome shrimp


Bergamer, that is awsome. You have quite a collection. Please post some pictures so I can see what it all looks like. That is great if all of that can live off of 260W of PC's.
lets see some pics.


Active Member
here is the right side, I need to take new pictures of the entire tank bc all the ones I have are too old and I have since added another 25lbs of live rock, got rid of an ugly coral, and added a ton of new corals
I will post new ones tomorrow
opps, sorry the picture function is not working