coral suggestions


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sidos
anyone have any suggestions for some good beginner corals
Soft corals, stuffs like Leathers, Xenia, Mushroooms, etc. Some hardy corals!!! :happyfish


Active Member
my favorite of my corals are my frogspawn, im a beginner with virtually stock lighting


Active Member
Some of my first corals are Zoanthids, Candy Cane Coral, Green Star Polyps, Long Tentacle Plate Coral, and a hitchhiker Leather. Just becareful with Green Star Polyps, once they start to spread, there's no stopping them and will take over like weeds.....I'm fixing to frag the heck out of it....Everything is doing soooooooo great and that's the reason why I've setup the larger tank cause they all have grown wayyyy too big for my existing reef tank. :happyfish