coral surpise!


Whatever coral you will get, make sure you don't place it close to one of his, leave at least 8 inches of space around it to avoid stinging or getting stung by other corals. I would prefer a surprise coral than a gift certificate. Why? I guess it adds more of a "personal touch" than a gift certificate. ;) I'm sure you'll get lots of hugs when he comes back :D


my irl friend always buys new addtions to the tank allthough im standing righ there she knows not to put notheng in without at least asking i hope anyway :D


Active Member
I predict by the time he gets back you will be addicted to the tank and if he doesn't want to share you will be out there starting to get set up for your own! Our tank started out to be my husbands and over time it has become "our" tank, so I'm starting my own 20 gal in my office! Pretty soon I'll have tanks all over the house. I even started a pod farm tank for the mandarin I insisted "we" get for "his" tank....I tell you once you get involved this is addicting. :D And I say go for the colt coral, I love mine...oops I mean ours.


thanks for everyones help...i did get the colt coral sunday and it is doing fine...i just hope it stays that way. i made sure not to put it near any of the others. thanks again for everyones input :)