Coral-Vital Supplement


Has anyone ever used a product called Coral-Vital Live sand booster and Live rock enhancer. I bought at my LFS and they said it would help with caraline growth and was a good thing to add to my tank. I really want to get some good caraline growth (hopefully like NMreef's coraline, that is beautiful). If any one has used this how often do you supplement, the directions on the back were pretty vague.
<img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />

kris walker

Active Member
Never seen it. But I use Kent's "Coral Vite" to provide the trace elements that get depleted over time. So far, so good. I use to, in addition, use Kent's "Coral Accel", which was suppose to be a "hard and soft coral growth stimulator" and was highly recommended to me by my lfs for corraline growth. I stopped using it and have not yet seen a difference in anything.
IMO, I think a lot of these special supplements packages are scams. I think it is important to get one supplement solution to provide the trace elements, but not so sure about all these other "enhancers," "accelarators," and "boosters." Maybe they work, but I think the jury's still out on them.
EDIT: PS, it sounds like you purchased a bacteria solution, which will help with seeding new biological media like dry sand, biowheels, or dead rock. I don't see how it will help corraline growth. I think you may have been had by your lfs.
Just my 0.02,


They did tell me that it was actually a bacteria, so what will that do since I already have aged bio wheels and 60 lbs of live sand. I wold like to re-populate most of my live rock with bacteria since I think a lot of the bacteria died during my power outage. Should I keep using this stuff or will it hurt my tank or make my nitrates go up??