coral vs. fish

Hey guys I was wondering what progression everyone out there added to their tank. After the cycle, did you add corals first or fish, and does anyone see any advatandges or disadvantadges to doing it a certain way?
Thanks Sean


Active Member
I added fish first by how hearty they were at 3 week intervals. Like fist a tomato clown, then 3 weeks later a royal gramma etc. I waited about 3 months before I started adding any corals and started with a colt, then mushrooms.......JMO?/E

nm reef

Active Member
Thru the cycle I had a domino damsel and a pair of blue damsels...I still have one of the blue deamons(and I'm not sure how long I'll keep it...its close to 2 years old now).
After the cycle I first added a tomato clown....then at about the 4 month mark I started adding a few corals.
From that point till now I simply decided on fish and continued to add corals ... fish now are (in this order)...tomato clown...formosa wrasse(will be removed and placed in FO system)...coral beauty...hippo tang. Corals number over 50 and too many to individually list.
I intend to keep only the hippo ... coral beauty ... and the tomato clown. The rest will be re-located to the fish only system with my niger trigger...yellow tang ... pygmy angel...and my lonly percula clown(his mate went carper surfin on too many times).


Active Member
i too did hearty fish first, then corals, and even though the g/f wants more fish, the three in the 20 are already too many!!
good luck


I agree with adding them slowly and hearty fish first. I have been telling my neighbor that but he doesnt want to listen. He has a 50 Gal that finished cycling about 2 weeks ago. So far he has a small niger trigger, medium lion fish, medium tang (not sure what kind) and he wants to add another lion fish, another tang and hes not sure whats next. He all ready has a lot of fish that will get big in there but he wants it full of fish and he doesnt listen to my advice. I feel sorry for those fish cuz they are gonna have a tough time in there soon.
The 55 gal. that I had before moving, I started with damsels, and then added one perc clown, then another perc clown, then a yellow tang, then a blue hippo tang. They all worked well together and I never had any problems, I think that was because I did it slow and added the most hearty first. Also I added my corals kind of sparaticly (didn't know if that mattered or not?) This 110 gal. tank that I am working on is a little more of a task, and just because I have more space, I don't want to get impatient and add too much too fast once I get her up and running.