Coral Wish List:

yellow ace

I am soon buying an MH lighting system and here is the list of corals that I am interested in:
Frag of Green and brown srtiped candy cane. Average frag is 2 inches with 2 or 3 heads.
Frag of Fire and Ice Zoanthids. Average frag has 10-15 polyps on a small rock.
1 Green Velvet Mushroom on a small Rock.
2" Frag of Neon Green Star Polyps
Neon Green and Blue Ricordia
1 Striped Green Mushroom on a small rock
1 Red Mushroom
Frag of Green Skirt with Blue Disk Zoanthids. Average frags are 1-2 inches with 10-15 Polyps.
Colony of neon green Zoanthids. 40+ Polyps.
Frag of Yellow Sand Polyps. Average frags have 10-15 Polyps
pulsing xenia
Does this list look good?
Are all of these able to be kept under Mh lighting?


Active Member
... the zoanthids will appreciate the extra light though. Mine went nuts after going from VHO to MH.

yellow ace

Yes, I know I don't NEED the MH, but as wax32 said, I want to be able to have very flourishing corals and be able to have sps or clams later on.



Active Member
about the moving stuff. im adding 2 250 watt hqi mh to a 260 watt pc so am i gona have to move like everything to the ground including the anemone. also if it is this great of a change would i need to like partially shade them to start off