

I want to start buying coral and I like what I see at your store. I have a 50/50 compact lighting 48". When you tale about light to medium lighting or med to high lighting what are the ranges? What am I looking for with the lighting I have?:rolleyes: :)


Active Member
bump is just used to bring your topic to the top of the forum..
what size tank do you have, how long has it been set up, what are your water parameters, how many lights do oyu have, and what is the wattage, color temp, etc?
good luck


55 gal., up for 5 months now,50/50 compact lighting ph, cal,
saltity, 0 nit, 78 temp, LR, LSAND, turbos, hermits, bubble tip coral, metalic pylop, tang, two damsels, two clowns:)


How many watts is your power compacts? Watts per gallon is a good measuring stick and although not the best guide to keeping coral it does give you a place to start. I currenly run appx. 200 watts (combination of PC and NO) of light and have had no trouble keeping "moderate/medium light" corals. Many people on this board might disagree because the corals aren't "thriving" and merely "surviving" but I have seen growth in every single one of my corals. They might not be splitting or growing at an uncontrollable rate but enough to keep me happy knowing I see progress. All depends on your point of view I guess. Good Luck.


Active Member
how many watts is it though conk? 10000K is a temp color rating, and is a good choice, but how many watts is the bulb. it should say directly on the bulb itself, and is this the only bulb you have?
good luck