coralbanded shrimp ?

tahoe ocean

I bought a mated pair of coral banded shrimp. Within 12 hours of introduction one of them went MIA. I don't know what happened to it. How do I go about finding a new mate for the remaining shrimp? How do I tell if I have a male or female?
I don't think anyone else in the tank ate it because nobody has picked on the one that is left. Everyone seems to be getting along swimmingly! I have a 50gal. with scarlet hermits, blue legged hermits, 2 clams, 1 zebra hermit, bumble bee snails, astrea snails, mushroom coral and a purple gorgonian, also a percula, tomato clown, little blue damsel, and a neon dottyback who is obssessed with hunting the overabbundance of bristle worms.:(

salty rick

I say they are hiding. I bought a CBS once and it disappeared. So I went out and got another one. One day I was feeding the inhabitants of the tank and the next thing I know there are two CBS coming out from behind the LR.
Try feeding shrimp or a meaty type food and see if you can entice them to come out.
Used to have one, that thing would hide from my sight until he was fed. Then he would be everywhere trying to eat all of the frozen meat.

tahoe ocean

The thing is that the one out of the mated pair I can still find is very outgoing and a begger! Could he be feeding her?


It might have started to molt as my CBS always seem to molt if I do a major water change or when I move them to a new tank. If they molt they will hide for a day or two. Not to mention it may just be hiding anyway.
Also How sure are you they were a "Mated Pair" if they were really not a mated pair then one could easily and most likely killed the other as two will not cohabitate if they are not a mated pair.

tahoe ocean

That's the major thing that has me worried. I have no idea if they were a truely mated pair. I had to take the salesperson at their word for what that is worth these days. They had been in the same tank at the store for 1 week. I saw them and waited and tried to do the research as per the post "buy first ask later". But now I am just waiting it out to see if the other one shows back up. it's been a week.:(


Give it some time...don't go out and get another. Chances are that it's just hiding. Try feeding the tank and see if this helps