coralife or redsea skimmer?


Active Member
hello guys. im looking for a skimmer for my 40 gallon that costs about 100 bucks or so. I saw a red sea prizm pro delux, but i havent heard any good htings about them, but i was looking for some more opinions. Also i saw a coralife super skimmer rated for a 65 gallon tank.
any suggestions on what one is better?
does anyone else have any good ideas on a decent, but relatively inexpensive, hang on back filter for a 40 gallon tank?


Active Member
ok!! thanks! its been working good for you then i take it? I thought i heard somewhere that a lot of people were having trouble with them..maybe it wasnt the pro delux....


i have the coralife skimmer myself, and boy does it put out!! i know that sounds like a commercial, but it really does the trick on removing organics from my 46g. if i dont wash my hands before i stick them into the tank, the skimmer will throw a bubble fit trying to remove the oils that i put into the tank from the surface of my skin.
i dont have any experiences w/ the other skimmer, but i can say that the coralife skimmer is AWESOME and $$ well spent.


Active Member
I'll put in another vote for the Coralife Super Skimmer! They've been getting rave reviews on internet message boards, and a LFS near me has one running on a LR bin that is pulling gunk from the water just like the much higher priced needle-wheeled skimmers do.


Active Member
thats 2:1
i know coral life is a good brand, so i think im going to go with that one unless anyone has any realy bad experiences with them? THey have one for sale for about 160 at my LFS, but i found one online for 100. hey, what do you know! thats my exact price range at the moment!
thanks so much once again everyone for your help.
I have a red sea prizm pro deluxe and it was kinda pricey but my tank is in great shape! :yes: So if you want a great skimmer red sea is one that is top shelf and for the price it's worth it!


I had a seaclone and it put out a nice dark skim it just wasn't consistant from day to day. I now have a Coralife 220 on my 92G and it puts out quater inch in the collection cup basically everyday and I only feed my fish every few days. Fairly light bioload in my tank.


I have the Prism pro delux as well. It works good and I'm very satisfied with it, but the rating for it is up to a 300 gallon tank. There is no way that thing could handle a 300 gallon reef or even a 300 fish only tank. I would suggest using it on anything larger than a 120-150; I have mine in a 120.


Active Member
woops. i re-read my post and i didnt mean to say pro. sorry. jsut the prizm delux because its only going on a 40 gallon tank.