coralife pcs heating up the tank..


i have a 45 gal tall with a coralife pcs in a canopy and i noticed its heating up the tank. its usally around 79-80 and the other day i saw it was around 82. also i really noticed some evaporation with this light going is that normal?


add two fans to blow heat out of canapey. Have one pulling air in the other pulling air out. As for the evaporation that's normal. I lose about 2-4 liters a day in my 75 fowlr. Jus add water without salt. Water will evaporate but salt stays in tank.


Active Member
That's what I did with my 96wt quad fixture. I turned one of the 2 built-in fans around and moved it to the other side of the unit to draw air in and the other fan to draw out and helped some. Still got hot but not nearly so as before. It had warpped the acrylic shield a little. I don't know if Coralife goofed in this unit or what but it certainly needs stronger fans.