coralife super skimmer


Active Member
I have decided to get this model, I have heard great things about it!
But I have a 90 gallon tank and there are 2 available sizes for my tank
one is for tanks up to 125 gallons and the other is for tanks up to 220 gallons.
Although it seems simple bc I have a 90 gallon, but is it wiser to go with the 220 gallon version? :happyfish


Active Member
my bioload will not be getting any larger
I have:
1 starry blenny
3 OC clowns
1 pink square anthia
1 copper band butt
1 coral beauty
1 velvet wrasse
1 mandarin
2 dancing shrimp
1 cleaner (other just died)
1 blood shrimp
tons of snails and hermits


New Member
The 125 will work just fine for your tank. However if you are planning on ever getting a larger tank I would get the 220 because it never hurts to overskim and it will save you cash in the future.


Active Member
Go with the larger skimmer, the skimmer manufacturers overate their skimmer capacities..........You can't overskim a tank anyways, and you'd be better served with the bigger skimmer.....


Active Member
If you can go the extra cost go with the 220 model. Contrary to what you may hear, over skimming a tank as acrylic51 stated is not going to happen.


I have the CSS 125 on my 90g. It works very well and is certainly adequate for my purposes. That said, I do wish I had gone with the larger model as the skimmer wasn't even out of the box before I started making plans for a bigger tank. The price difference really isn't very much and I would def. go on the too big rather than maybe not enough some day. Hope this makes at least some sense . . .


New Member
i had a corlife super skimmer 65 on my 125 and it worked great but i ended getting up the 220. i would go with the 220 if you have any plans on getting a bigger tank.