Coralife Super Skimmer


Originally Posted by saltn00b
how do you know if its 'ideal' or not ?
i cant see how it could make a difference in microbubble production either

That is a good point!
I won't claim to know the physics behind it, but the directions are VERY accurate, give or take a 1/4 inch here or there.
FIRST of all we need to differentiate between the 65 and the bigger models. The 65 is the only model with the valve on the pump and I have no experience with it.
It IS possible to sink the pump just slightly less than the recommended 3 inches. It takes about 1/4" more depth to be able to turn the pump intake away from bubble diffuser and not have the pump housing interfere with the box.
The diffuser box top HAS to be perfectly parallel with your water level. There is no adjustment for that, so you have to place something between the bottom of the box and your glass as a wedge to force the low side of the box to be even with the high side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by djm
That is a good point!
The diffuser box top HAS to be perfectly parallel with your water level. There is no adjustment for that, so you have to place something between the bottom of the box and your glass as a wedge to force the low side of the box to be even with the high side.
really? that makes a difference?
why couldnt they make these damn things with stuff like that in mind, instead of everyone trying to figure out how to jerry rig it?!


MOST of the specifics ARE given in the instructions. It makes a HUGE difference in microbubbles if the top of the diffuser box isn't parallel AND at least 1/4 inch above the water surface level. The bubbles just pour out if it is leaning.
Trust me, it's not like I haven't given tons of feedback to ESU about the product. Their message board is still up, they have just apparently given up on it. Nobody can post anything without the moderator approving it and the moderator has been MIA since June. If you ever had a question about a Coralife product, the ESU message board WAS the best source of info I have seen from a manufacturer. It's sad to think they abandoned it.

I love my CSS125 and the total cost of my modifications are less than $2. The price vs. performance ratio is incomparable to any other skimmer on the market.
You can spend over $300 for a skimmer that you just drop in and forget about it- OR you can spend less than $150 for a skimmer that works great after you play around with it for a week. Call me cheap! :joy: