coraline algae and live rock dying out


coraline algae on my live rock is slowly disappearing after few days i purchase it and it is being covered by these brown dust-like particles. would adding calcium to my water help the live rock come alive again?


i have never checked calcium/alkalinity since the beginning of my saltwater aquarium keeping.
i use tapwater filtered for a week to replace my topoff.


tapwater is prolly the problem, that in combination with the warmer tempuatures. what kind of lighting is over your tank?
also, you really need to check your calc. and alc. to be sure you dont have a problem. I would test the makeup water for phosphates, that will hurt you too.


oops sorry, i was thinking something else while typing that out. i dont know if temps affect coraline, im sure some would favor warmer temps than others, but i really dont know. didnt mean to mislead you.