Coraline Algae Die off



Hi all,
Wierd stuff is going on, My tank is about 6 years old and has gone through quite a few transitions. Well I notice something the other day and it seems to be spreading. I saw what looked like light pink coraline algae but what it really was is die off because over the next day or so it turned white.
Now I checked all my params. yesterday and they are all fine PH 8.1-8.2, Amo. 0, Nitrite
0, Phos. 0 Nitrate 30ppm to 40 ppm. (iknow they are a little high but have been dealing with this for years)Cal. 400ppm. Salinity 1.022-023
Now I have never really had a coraline die off before. Does this happen as a normal occurance?????? With Age?????????
This stuff has completely covered my back wall for 3 to 4 years and now it seam to be dying off, I have a little concern. I know it isn't the Nitrates because like I said before
I have always had higher nitrates and it never effected this stuff for all these years. SO any help would be appreciated.
Tank: 45 Gal
Fish: 2 percs, 1 blue damsel (gold Tailed)
Inverts: Button Polyps, 1 colt, 1 green brain
Frilly and metallic Mushrooms, Green Star polyps, 2 cleaner shrimp, bunch of snails and crabs and 1 brittle star
Rock: 50lbs assorted LR
Equip: Lights: 96 watt 8800k daylight PC, 60 watt no flor. ACTINICS
fILTER: 10 gallon sump, 20lbs LS, Refugium, mag7 return, CPR Bac Pak, Coil Denitrator


Active Member
You didn't mention the second most important factor in coraline algae survival, Alkalinity.


This might sound funny but I used to have 2 75 watt MH and 1 floresent 50/50 and 1 40 watt floresent 40 watt. I than changed my 50/50 to a blue and WOW did I ever notice the diffrence in growth of corline algae in the first two weeks. My point is did you do a change in lighting.


Something else not mentioned is that new commercial salts have 1/2 the magnesium in the mix so it will disolve faster (Instant Ocean incl). After finding that magnesium is direclty responsible for the solubility of calcium I added a magnesium supplement. The Purple has to have this to sustain itself. Anyway, I could not figure out why purple wasn't spreading in my tank even when dosing Kalk, until I added a magnesium additive, then it grew like crazy.
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: starfishjackedme ]


my alk was 2.9 but I did buffer a little tonight, like I said I have never had this happen before and I do have about 6 years of experience to boot. I Love this hobby learn something new every single day.
Any more thoughts would be appreciated.
Thaks Again