Coraline algae growth


I have had my tank now for 2 years and have been using a tap water filter for the life of the tank. All water paramaters are good. Some paramaters nitrates nitrites almost unreadable. I know coraline algae is good but can too much growth be bad. I have purple and light purple growing everywhere. Pumps, glass front sides and rear, mud filter, refugium etc.... Kinda seems like it is matting (dont know if that is the right word) all over the place. The powerheads and electrical cables are completely covered. :help: Any advice would be helpful. thanks


Active Member
Sounds about normal... it's fine but can be annoying when it grows places you don't want it to.
What kind of tap water filter are you using??


The tap water filter is produced by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals inc. Purchased from LFS.The coraline is growing everywhere. Can I scrape off of front glass without a prob?


Active Member
Yeap... a credit card works pretty good. A razor works on glass tanks...
FWIW, The DI's that Aquarium Pharmaceuticals have work but they are expensive compared to a RO/DI... in the long run.


Thanks for the reply. I did use an RO unit for a while but I have a small tank and the tapwaterfilter is actually cheaper at the moment. Less waste water. Thanks again.


coraline growth is good, you can use a scraper, I have one made by kent that rocks. I have to scrape the front of my tank every couple days to keep the coraline of the front.


I have a razor blade(scraper)on a pole. I have used it for anything on the glass. I guess all of the coraline is good. It would really look nice if it was some different shades of purple.


What is amazing is that I do not add any type of chemicals to tank calcium strontium etc... I have a 37 gallon w/ a 20 gallon mud filter from ecosystem and a hang on fuge on the back of the tank. I did not expect so much coraline growth.