coraline algae on acrylic tank


New Member
I'm considering buying a 180 Gal. acrylic tank. It has been in storage for 6 mos. and the back & sides are covered with pink coraline algae. I'm not sure why someone would store a tank like this. My question is how would I remove it? Do you think the algae has damaged the acrylic surface, possibly leaving stains or pitting once it's removed? If you had a similar experience or would like to offer your opinion, I would appreciate it. Thanks
I doubt it damaged the tank. I wouldn't store a tank that had any algae on it because it would eventually stink up the place. The easiest I found to remove coralline algae from an acrylic tank is with an old credit card. It's very difficult to scratch the tank with one and the algae comes off with a little effort. Don't use a razor blade or you'll regret it. :)

mr . salty

Active Member
Seeing as how it is an acrylic tank,you could set it outside or in the garage for a couple days with a Weak bleach water mix in there.Then after soaking it may clean up better. Don't use too much bleach,just enough so you can barly smell it. Then you will need to rince it out VERY GOOD before you set it up.
[ April 28, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]

nm reef

Active Member
Also if ya use bleach...let it sit in the sun to dry....sunlight breaks down bleach rather quick I a credit card is what I use to clean good........sounds like a nice tank...ya gettin it cheap?????


Active Member
I would almost bet a pay check that the surface is damaged if there was alot of algae and left to dry or even if its wet. I had a thirty gallon glass years ago that was cover with coraline When I shut it down I washed it off but the coraline was almost etched into the glass. The back and sides had fine scratches in the glass and never did get the glass clear again. I could only imagine what it would do to acrylic.


New Member
I'm not sure how I'm going to proceed. The owner of the tank is asking $800.00 for tank, stand & canopy. I offered $500.00. We are still negotiating. I'm not too worried about the algae damaging the back because it's black. There really isn't any on the front. I guess I would like to see how the sides look when some of the algae is removed. What do you think about the price? It's a Clarity Plus tank and seems as though the tank & stand are solidly built.