Coraline Algae on Glass


Yeah I was hoping to keep it from growing. I was gone for ~3 weeks and nobody bothered to wipe the glass down on a daily basis so now there is grown on it.
I guess I could be complianing that I have no COralie growth at all...


I use a long handled Kent scraper,its going to be a chore whenever you scrape coraline growth,the scraper makes it a lot easier when faced with holding a razor blade.They are also quite inexpensive and the blade is replaceable if you bend it. I would try and do a little bit at a time working for ten minutes each session,you will have it good as new in no time. Count your blessings, a lot worse things could happen while being gone for 3 weeks I would be THRILLED! if all I had was some coraline to scrape.


Active Member
+1 one coraline growth while I'm gone, I work out of town occasionally and I usually come back to an algea outbreak but not of the coraline variety
be nice to see a crazy coraline outbreak instead of cyano or hair algea.
Anyway check out the "Algea Free" scapers that attatch to a magfloat I bought one a few months ago and it beats the hell out of using a hand scraper. I can clean 100% of my glass without getting wet and risking knocking something over or breaking of one of my corals.