coraline algae would be nice



hello everyone, just a few questions, my live rock use to be so vibrant and looked so pretty now its lost most of its color and algae. how can i get the coraline algae to grow back, what could i be doing wrong to make it die? everything else in the tank is fine.


Calcium, Figi-Gold or purple-up same difference I've had good luck with both and get something that has coraline on it to re-introduce it in tank!


Active Member
What salt are you using?
I wasn't able to grow coraline in my 29g (only 34W of lighting) until I switched to Reef Crystals. Its still slow growing, and I'm getting the 'lower light' colors, but its finally growing in that tank.
My 12 gallon (24 W of lighting) has always had some, but again, when I switched salts from IO to --, it grew much faster.

scopus tang

Active Member
Lights are another key factor. Most coralline will die out under metal halides, then reappear as it adjust to the lights. Did you perhaps change lights recently or something?

nano reefer

Active Member
i hate coralline. its a nuisance for me. it grows over my glass so fast that if i dont scrape every week it gets nearly impossible to scrape off. i dont dose calcium, alkalinity, or magnesium, i use oceanic un-mixed. i use tap water, and i have 48 watts of light in a biocube. i dont understand why it is so out of control.


New Member
I had the same problem, I checked my alk and is was dead low. After i boosted my alk levels coraline started growing very fast. Once the coraline starts growing your calcium levels will drop so test it the first few days to see how much you need to dose.
I would find a two part calc/alk, thats what i use and i like it


i changed my lighting i guess they were weaker then i thought , after a few days it has started to brighten up alittle i am going to keep in eye alk and cal. just to make sure that it wasnt part of the problem.