coraline algae


my coraline algae is spreading to my base rock. are there any suppliments i can add to speed up the process, without triggering a diatom bloom?


Active Member
B-Ionic is an awesome alk/cal additive, of course you'll need to test your levels also. Keep these two levels up especially Alk as coraline is largely carbonate based and with good flow and low phosphates it will spread quickly, a little too quickly in my case.


I've been using Kent brand chemicals (strontium/Molydenum, calcium and iodine) and they had my banded coral shrimp shedding every week . . . before the "soap poisoning" incident . . .


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
I've been using Kent brand chemicals (strontium/Molydenum, calcium and iodine) and they had my banded coral shrimp shedding every week . . . before the "soap poisoning" incident . . .

Just so you know excessive molting is a sign of stress and I would say every week is excessive. My guess is too high a level of iodine, do you test for this additive?


Again, if something is growing (IE shedding) there's absolutely no way you can attribute that to stress. I'm sorry. Think about it. Why in the heck would something grow if it's stressed? That doesn't make any sense at all. :notsure:
This kinda reminds me of my expert (yes, expert with BS in Marine Bio) said to me about Internet chat boards. Take everything with a grain of salt, because not everyone knows what they're saying/typing. :thinking:
So what that you've got 1000+ posts. I am beginning to become very skeptical with a lot that I read on this site.


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
I've been using Kent brand chemicals (strontium/Molydenum, calcium and iodine

Silly question but are you checking the levels in your tank for the iodine and strontium? These can crash a tank if too high.


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
Again, if something is growing (IE shedding) there's absolutely no way you can attribute that to stress. I'm sorry. Think about it. Why in the heck would something grow if it's stressed? That doesn't make any sense at all. :notsure:
This kinda reminds me of my expert (yes, expert with BS in Marine Bio) said to me about Internet chat boards. Take everything with a grain of salt, because not everyone knows what they're saying/typing. :thinking:
So what that you've got 1000+ posts. I am beginning to become very skeptical with a lot that I read on this site.

Wow, that was a pretty rude post... I also have heard that increased concentrations of Iodine can cause molting. Molting is just the expelling of the outer layer of skin for a new soft layer which will harden. Shrimp must molt when growing but also molt due to stress. I'm sure your marine biology friend would be supprised by the amount of information he doesn't know about reef aquariums and saltwater environments in general. I have a year left in getting a BS in Industrial Technology but I would never say I know what every machine in a plant does or the means by which it operates. A little bit of respect in these board will get you a long way.


a company called ESV makes b-ionic. regular waterchanges should take care of everything else. don't get carried away.......


h20engr, you have molting confused with growing.
in the wild things molt as they grow
in our tanks they molt as they grow and as mentioned,
they molt when they need to get rid of excess iodine


i dont think many people claim that they are experts on this site either, just helping those in need. and i think everyone who uses these boards know that...



Originally posted by cazmento
any suggestions as to brand or such?

Two Little fishies brand called C-Balance is very good. You can get it in 16 oz bottles or 1 gallon concentrate.


I didnt have much coralline growth for the first 8 or so months, then started dosing the b-ionic calcium (no alk for me... never seemed to need it). After the calcium suppliments, my back wall is almost covered now, about 2 months later.