Coraline Alge


This is probably a tired question, thats why i put it here, how do you get coraline alge to grow,any help would be appreciated


Active Member
Lights really aren't that important I get great coraline growth in my sump with no light at all other than my dining room light and a little leakage from my fuge light. Maintaining your Calcium, Magnesium, and Alk are probably the most important and then patence, once it gets a good hold you'll wonder what you were thinking, it grows everywhere and fast.


coraline just takes time...
if you dose calcium on a regular basis because of sps corals or such then probably quicker... but coraline algae comes with good water params... my bc14 has been runin for about 3 months now and i do weekly one gallon changes n rarely dose calcium and coraline is starting to grow...
time.. and youll have things encrusted in coraline. but dont dose anything to get it started.


Time is the #1 answer.
Water parameters
Are the 2 best friends.
Now there has been cases where people (ME) would buy stuff from their local Salt water fish store and have them scrape some Coraline off the glass and let them take it home. (They are glad to get rid of it.) Now in THEORY this should give a nice start to the Coraline to start growing as you are introducing it But time and Water parameters have to be correct.


I've had my tank set-up since JUL08 and have been dosing calcium for the past 6 months. Only recently has new purple coralline started to appear on the rocks, powerheads, and glass.