coraline algea?


I hope not. My tank is 10 months old, and I've not had an outbreak of coralline algea.....:D
Usually tanks with MH lighting have the best reults with corraline algea, and also pristine water conditions....also adequate levels of calcium.....also...not my tank...:D
In all seriousness, you can have a great tank without corraline algea. I've seen some tanks that have it spreading all over the place, and in my opinion, that doesn't look natural. JMO...


algae is always good.. esp if its those long hair grassy looking ones.. those are pretty.
i hear if u mOOn ur tank alot.. it'll grow well.. it must like mOOnlight alot.
hehe.. muhahHAhaha


blind, you lost me on the mOOn part......but I agree with you on the algea part, it is a good sign your tank is doing good. Most people don't like hair algea, ...but I do. I have 2 clownfish that live in the stuff. And to me, if you allow it to grow in certain clumps, it looks natural......but it is only aesthetic.....
....."Blind"....if you have a thing about m"OOn"ing your own tank, well, whatever floats your boat......... :notsure: